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I68 Advanced Pistol Course

  • 4655 Calhan Highway Calhan, CO, 80808 United States (map)

I68 Advanced Pistol Course begins with a review of the safety fundamentals, shooting principles, and drawing from a holster. The course then moves into more advance techniques and principles such as proper and rapid reloading techniques, fixing malfunctions and how to distinguish threats from non-threats.  During this course, clients will understand the importance of muscle memory and self awareness.  This course is designed for those clients that are familiar and comfortable with firearms but want to take their skills to the next level.   This course builds upon the foundation of the I68 Pistol Fundamentals Course and then goes in depth of the techniques of true defensive pistol training. We work on refining manipulation and establishing efficient, effective habits that will allow you to place rounds where you need to, when you need to. Understanding how to develop the appropriate skills was the first step, knowing why you are doing it will only enhance your performance when and if you need these skills!


I68 Advanced Pistol Course
from $450.00
Earlier Event: May 18
I68 Tactical Rifle Course
Later Event: June 8
I68 Valkyries Event